Snake Cloud

Archetype: Monster
Size: Average (0)
HP: 20, AC: 0, ACT: 5 (see below)
BRT: 1, DEX: 2, WIT: 1

Flight. Multiple Bite Attacks (1). 1d6 damage. There is a 50% chance of the bite(s) having a LVL 3 poison. A snake cloud can make 1d3 attacks per round. These attacks are treated as a single ACT melee attack usage.

Snake clouds are magical clouds full of snakes. Snake clouds fly about raining snakes and terror wherever they go. In the core of a snake cloud is a magical organ called a snake spawner which creates 2d6 snakes per day. The cloud itself is a gaseous byproduct of the spawner. The spawner uses the snakes to feed. A snake cloud can have up to 30 snakes inside.