
Archetype: Monster
Size: Average (0)
HP: 35, AC: 0, ACT: 9
BRT: 2, DEX: 3, WIT: 4

Magic (4): LVL 9. Flight. Fire Beam (3): Short range. 1d6+2 damage. Lightning Beam (2): Short range. 1d6+2 damage. Ugly Beam (2): Short range. Turns the target hideously ugly. Immune to Poison/Toxin.

Eyezors are insidious, magical, flying creatures. They move about by hovering several feet off the ground. They are evil creatures who are intent on manipulating others by various means. In combat, eyezors rely on their awesome psionic abilities as well as a vast array of magical spells. Their little, dead legs are vestigial remnants of their bipedal ancestry.