
Archetype: Humanoid
Size: Average (0)
HP: 15, AC: 1, ACT: 5
BRT: 1, DEX: 2, WIT: 1

Accelerated Healing. Ashclowns heal at a rate of 1 HP per hour. Chompers (1): 1d6 damage. Ashclowns have huge teeth. Light/Heavy Weapon (1). Weather Attunement. Ashclowns can sense atmospheric changes which allow them to predict things such as storms and high winds.

Ashclowns are desert dwellers who came to FAL during the Boom War. They hail from the desert planet Skar. Ashclowns use surprise and ambush when attacking their enemies. They roam the deserts in pursuit of treasures and broken technology that they might sell or repair. They are a territorial folk who dislike outsiders. They speak a language composed of grunts and yells.