Hey all! So, on their current Kickstarter project for Vigilante City, Bloat Games has a financial hardship level of reward. I thought this was a great idea and told Eric Bloat that I was stealing it. So, here’s the deal, if you or someone you know is having a financial hardship and the Far Away […]
Lots of Far Away Land
So, I thought I would post an update on FAL stuff in the works. FAL OSR Kickstarter is completed. Once payment processing is finished, rewards will be going out. The project was wildly successful and we are blow away by the support. A huge thanks to all the backers and folks who shared and supported […]
Far Away Land Toys
Over the last few months I have been working on some Far Away Land figurines. I thought now would be a good time to post about the toys and the process I have been using to make them. It’s a fairly simple process but it did take a while to learn everything and each figure […]
Kickstarter, Forums, and Wiki
Steady work continues on the FAL Wiki page. New content is being uploaded weekly. Some very new content will be uploaded in the next month or so (content that is not yet available in any of the books). Also, the FAL Forums are up and active. These are still a bit of a work in […]
Kickstarter Contest
Wanna win a free version of the Far Away Land OSR Core Rules? All you have to do to enter is click this link and Share and Like the post. We will randomly select a winner and once the Kickstarter is completed, we will send the winner a copy of the Core Rules! It’s that […]
FAL OSR Kickstarter 4.29
We will be releasing the Far Away Land OSR RPG Core Rules via Kickstarter on Monday 4.29.2019. The Kickstarter will run for 30 days and has various reward levels featuring pdfs, paper and hardback copies of the new FAL OSR Core Rules. Below is a chapter by chapter breakdown of what the book features. We […]
New FAL Content… Nuzoz
So, I believe it is stated in the Tome of Awesome that Far Away Land has nine major continents. The Tome of Awesome lists only Radroz and Karkoz. This leaves seven as of yet unexplored/unknown/unlisted continents. However, just yesterday, Jargogle (author of Jargogle’s Bestiary for FAL) sent me the notes and sketches for a brand […]
The Far Away Land OSR Core Rules have been in the works for the last few months. Im happy to announce the book is now complete, proofs (both hardback and paper) have been received. A Kickstarter will soon commence with various levels allowing backers to get at cost print coupons at discount prices. Recent pics […]
Creature Dump
As of today, all of the creatures from the Far Away Land Tome of Awesome, Creatures Vol. 2 and Creatures Vol. 3 are available on the wiki. I think its around 270 entries. Next up will be the entries from Seas of Far Away Land. After that we move on to Heroes and Villains.
Site Content Update
I am continuing a massive dump of FAL content to be made available via this new site. Today saw the upload of around 170 creature entries (images and descriptions) which are available on the FAL Wiki. Another approximately 130 entries will probably be dumped sometime this coming week. In addition to the creature entries, I […]