
Archetype: Plant
Size: Average (0)
HP: 11, AC: 0, ACT: 5
BRT: 1, DEX: 1, WIT: 2

Light/Heavy Weapon (1). Healing Factor: Heal at twice the normal healing rate. Magic (1): Equal to LVL. Regeneration: Poomkin can regrow lost limbs over a period of time. Resistance to Poison/Toxin. Weakness to Extreme Heat/Cold. Resistance to Electricity.

Poomkin are a humanoid race of pumpkin people. They are highly intelligent and adept in the magical arts. They have a strict caste system within their societies. Poomkin grow on vines, drink pumpkin spiced ale, and desire colorful clothing. Many poomkin are all about style and fashion and view the way they dress as symbols of status and importance.