Archetype: Elemental
Size: Small (0)
HP: 30, AC: 0, ACT: 6
BRT: 1, DEX: 1, WIT: 1
Flamero (1): Small radius. 2d6 damage. A phoenix can create a blast of fire emanating outward from its body in a ring. The blast travels outward in a circle until it dissipates. Flight. Immune to Fire. Magic (2): LVL 4. Resurrection. If a phoenix dies a natural death it will resurrect in 2d12 hours. If a phoenix is killed, it has a 50% chance of resurrecting in 1d3 days.
The phoenix is a bird-like creature from the Plane of Fire within the Elementalsphere. The phoenix is composed entirely of living fire. As a phoenix ages it grows larger in size. Once the phoenix reaches 12 years of age it turns into a pile of dust. From this dust the phoenix is reborn. Outside the Plane of Fire, the phoenix can cause severe damage as everything it touches turns to fire.