Archetype: Monster
Size: Giant (+2)
HP: 25, AC: 0, ACT: 4
BRT: 3, DEX: 1, WIT: 1
Bite (0): 1d6 damage. Echo Location. Short range. Land lards lack eyes and rely on echo location to view their surroundings. The moaning sound they make helps them reference objects in 3d space. Sometimes birds make nests in their empty eye sockets. Trample (0): 2d6 damage.
Fat, lazy, and always in a bad mood, land lards are dumb herd animals who graze the grasslands of Far Away Land. Land lards want only to feed and sleep. They lay eggs from which baby land lards eventually emerge. Land lards can easily be tamed and some humanoid species use them as work animals (super slow work animals). Land lards moan when moving about.