Archetype: Demon
Size: Small (0)
HP: 12, AC: 1, ACT: 5
BRT: 1, DEX: 2, WIT: 1
Charge (1): 1d6+1 damage. Explosive Temper (2): Small radius. 3d6 damage. If enraged, a fire goat may explode (1 in 6 chance). Flame Burst: 1d6 damage. If a fire goat becomes excited it will burst into flames. Anyone within melee range will take fire damage.
Fire goats are creatures found in the Abyssmalsphere. They are often herded by demons and used as food by their angry masters. Fire goats are docile creatures for the most part. When they are excited they burst into flames which sears off their fur. New fur regrows in 1d3 days. Fire goats reproduce by holding their breath and exploding into 1d6 smaller fire goats.