
Archetype: Humanoid
Size: Average (0)
HP: 13, AC: 0, ACT: 5
BRT: 1, DEX: 1, WIT: 2

Heightened Awareness. Exions gain a +1 die bonus on all alert/observation rolls. Light/Heavy Weapon (1). Sense Motivation (1). Exions can sense the motivations of others through microexpressions, shift in blood pressure, and irregularities of voice.

Exions are a humanoid race native to FAL. In the past, exions were a dominant species on Far Away Land. However, during the Boom War, the exions were nearly eradicated by a plague that seemed to only affect them. They have since recovered from the plague but their numbers are not what they once were. Exions are allies with orka, elves, humans, and other humanoids.