Archetype: Demon
Size: Giant (+2)
HP: 43, AC: 3, ACT: 7
BRT: 3, DEX: 3, WIT: 2
Control Lesser Demons: LVL 7 and below. Control Undead (3). Demonic Telepathy. Far range. Telepathy with other demons. Giant Weapon (2). Hellish Blast (1): Close range. 1d6+2 damage. Gouge demons can shoot a stream of fire from their third eye. Immune to Heat. Magic (2): LVL 4. Night Sight. Regenerate.
Gouge demons are demons bred for tormenting folks in the Abyssmalsphere. Like all demons, they are hateful things who take pleasure in harming others. They are mid-ranked demons often in charge of lesser demons. They come in a variety of shapes but all are equally cruel. They have a craving for blood wine. They love to feed on algwas, humans, elves, orka, and ozotum.